Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dear blog reader

      Dear blog readers,
With the blog y writing skills have improved. I am better at doing book responses and better with my vocabulary. Doing this project it has let me express what I feel for music it has helped me understand many new things in life. With this assignment I have had an amazing opportunity to tell everyone how music really means a lot to me. I have learned  how to do a Self-selected response.  I have learned so many new things on the blog. What I like the most is that we got to pick our own topic. I did my blog on music inspiration and how I get so inspired.  One of the very first blog post that I did is Why I chose music inspiration . I wanted people to know where each kind of music came from like where hip hop, rock, classical music, jazz, rap came from. Why I chose music inspiration .How music helps me relax. I have also learned new things about music how music therapy helps people what the feelings, emotions, and thoughts. For my final in 1st semester I had to research  how music therapy helps people and this is linked to my post that explains how it really can help you and how many people have gone to . Music therapy . I also liked how we got to interview people like i got to interview my cousin because he is in band at Fortuna high and I wanted to know what music really meant to him. I got Interview  him and it was a different experience because he told me that music changes the way he thinks and how music helps him with his problems I never thought that music was so powerful in his soul. Another assignment that I really liked was when we had a guest on our blog and how they expressed their feelings and thoughts. I liked this because she told us what music she likes and how music can change your emotions like if it’s a happy song then you cheer up and if it’s a sad song your upset Guest blog.  

The blog has helped me though out the year it has brought me new opportunities and has helped me with my English class. I also like how I had the chance to show everyone how music has inspired me. I really enjoyed putting new blog post every week doing many new assignments. Like short stories, a blog post that had humor, self-selected response, book response, a vlog, a poem, and many more.  

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